Book a Tour


Our YMCA Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Service is committed to providing a rich learning environment for school age children, where children can play, create, investigate, practice skills and be challenged.

The Service is open every day during the school week 


  • Mondays to Fridays 7.00am – 8.30am 
  • short stay -  8.10am -8.30am


  • Monday to Friday 3.10pm - 6pm
  • short stay - 3.10pm - 3.45pm


  • 7am - 6pm


  • 7am - 6pm  

The service is also open on any early dismissal days which St Francis School schedules.

Students MUST be registered with St Francis of Assisi YMCA OSHC to begin using the service. 


Please see the following for more information:

St Francis of Assisi YMCA OSHC Website

All bookings must be through the YMCA OSHC website and not through the school.

Please contact for bookings and administration: 8200 2516 between 9.30 - 5pm or 

OSHC Director - 0439 228 418

What do we do in OSHC?

The OSHC service accesses two main rooms (one including kitchen facilities), outdoor play areas and the school gym on occasions for programmed sport activities.

There is a regular program of scheduled activities, where children are provided with choices of activities and equipment, both inside and outside based on their group and individual interests. At least one structured activity is provided each afternoon (eg art/craft, cooking, sport, outdoor game etc,) however no child is forced to participate as we see this time as their free time and a release from the confines of school.

OSHC Vacation Care

Please see attached the Programme  for vacation care during the July school holidays.

For Bookings visit

Dec '24 & Jan '25 School holiday programme.