Week 5, Term 3 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Book Week 2023 “Read, Grow, Inspire”! What a fantastic theme for our school where we are ‘Inspired by Curiosity’. I find in the lead up to Book Week in any year, that it doesn’t matter where I am, I hear parents chatting about costumes, and wanting to know which day the Parade is on. It really has become a wonderful community event. I love to dress up too. This year our parade is this Friday morning 25 August. Unfortunately for me, that is a day I am not here. This will be the first Book Week Parade I will miss in a very long time. I hope it all goes well and I look forward to seeing the photos.
Since our last newsletter Scott March has been to visit us. He spent quite some time meeting with Angela Morrison and Jo Sayers making plans for next year. Among other things they looked at our student enrolment numbers for next year. At around this time of year most Catholic schools advertise any positions they know they need to fill for the following year. Through the Catholic Education Positions Vacant webpage, we will have a number of positions advertised. Scott, Angela and Mel Canil, along with the Chairperson of our School Board Mr Joe Corbo, will be going through that process together in the latter part of this term.
Last Friday we bid farewell to Ms Ninetta Papa as she takes up a teaching role in an International School in northern Italy. Ninetta will be living the life for the next 12 months as she lives and breathes Italy. We wish her all the very best in this wonderful opportunity. Mrs Liane Els has been appointed to the Reception class for the rest of this year.
Today we farewell Troy Richards and welcome Christopher Franz as our Technology Support Officer. We thank Troy for his support of us over the past year.
CYBER SAFETY Unfortunately we have had a few incidents of online bullying, inappropriate messaging to others etc. These incidents have generally been outside of school hours, but affect relationships within school. We have spoken with the children in Year 5 and 6 about their responsibilities in this area. Generally speaking, using a messaging service to harass another person is an illegal act. I can’t stress strongly enough the importance of you speaking with your child about this issue. I also strongly advise you to encourage your children not to be looking at these messaging services late at night. There is nothing worse than being upset about something right before trying to sleep. Please see the following link for useful information on cyberbullying and how you can help. Cyberbullying what is and how to help
Enrolments 2024. If you know of a little one who will be coming to school next year, please encourage their parents to contact us so we have a place for them. If you know your child will not be returning to St Francis Of Assisi School next year please let us know if you have not already. If your child is in Year 6 this year, are they enrolled somewhere for Year 7 next year?
Thank you for your warm welcome, I am really enjoying getting to know the St Francis of Assisi community.
Peace and blessings
Kerri Dent
Acting Co-Principal
Last week we celebrated a whole school Mass for The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was the first time our new Receptions attended Church and it was a lovely celebration of our Mother Mary. Thankyou to the families that attended and to Father John for teaching the children how to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
During Homelessness Week our Year 6 Students completed ‘Walk A Mile’ and have raised over $700 for Hutt Street Centre. Thankyou to the families who generously donated to this cause. The Year 6 students listened to our local Vinnies co-ordinator to hear about how they can be advocates and support those in need. Students also made posters to promote the cause.
St Francis of Assisi Sacramental Program
The Sacramental Program is beginning soon and it is not too late to enrol your child. Here is some information about the program and deciding if you child is ready.
The Program Parish-based and family and school centred and is open to children from age 7 years and above. The readiness of a child to enter the program is a decision that families make. This program values the role of parents as the first educators of faith. Sacramental Catechesis includes making connections between the meaning of Sacraments with Catholic faith formation, understanding the link between Sacraments and out own lived experiences, and ultimately, an on-going deeper relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ, our faith community and Mission of the Church in the world. As part of the program students receive a workbook and a gift when they receive their sacraments. The cost also covers administration of paperwork. Families attend Family Workshops. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is made in Term 3. The Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are made in Term 2 the following year.
Children are given workbooks to work through with their family and during our workshops.
Preparing to celebrate the sacraments is not the same as learning about them. Learning about them is part of the Religious Education curriculum in every Catholic School. Preparing to celebrate particular sacraments is the responsibility of the family, in consultation with the parish and school. This program is for families to journey through together with the support of the school and parish.
Is my child ready to celebrate the sacraments?
Choosing to celebrate sacraments indicates that families are choosing to be involved in the life, work and liturgy of the Church Community. It is a life choice, one that extends well beyond making initial sacraments.
Does your child know the difference between right and wrong?
Can your child say sorry with sincerity?
Can your child forgive?
Can your child be a peace-maker?
Does your child display and see actions of forgiveness, generosity and kindness in daily family living?
The Sacramental Program is beginning soon and it is not too late to enrol your child. Here is some information about the program and deciding if you child is ready. Please contact me if you would like a registration form or more information.
Melissa Canil

Enter in the draw to win a TreeClimb or Beachouse voucher thanks to our friends at oOh! Media.
All you need to do is post a photo of your child/children with any of the Catholic Schools Open Week outdoor advertising (bus shelters, shopping centre panels or billboards) to Facebook and use the hashtag #CatholicSchoolsOpenWeek to be in the draw to win!
4 lucky voucher winners will be chosen via random draw on Friday August 25 at 12pm.

If your child would like to play Netball for the 2023/2024 summer season please complete the registration form and payment via the QKR app ONLY before 8th September 2023.
When: Term 4 2023 & Term 1 2024
11&Under and 13&Under – Fridays from 5pm
7&Under and 9&Under – Mondays from 5pm (Netta Modified Rules)
Where: Golden Grove Recreation Centre, The Golden Way, Golden Grove
Uniform: SFOA Netball Dress (supplied by the school, to be returned end of season)
*** Failure to return the dress at the end of the season will incur a $60 replacement fee***
Cost: $40 via QKR app – includes registration, use of uniform, equipment
$8 per week - game fee paid on the night
Please note the following:
- Teams can ONLY be formed if there are enough registered players by the 8th September AND there is a dedicated coach or team manager.
- When registering on the QKR app please provide your bank details for return of payment in the event a team for your child does not go ahead.
- Volunteers for Coach/Team Manager must be a registered volunteer at the school with a Working with Children Check (WWCC). Please indicate on the form if you are willing to coach a team.
- Once registered, the commitment is for the full season. Refunds are not given for change of mind.
NO LATE Registrations will be accepted.
Any questions please call the school on 8178 9900
Angela Abdilla

This LLL survey is an opportunity for you to tell how things are for you and your family and know that we value your feedback and will try to respond to the information that you provide.
The feedback does NOT include the data of individuals; rather, feedback involves graphs based on feedback from all parents and caregivers. To ensure anonymity, aggregated scores are not provided for groups of less than four parents or caregivers. It is your impressions that we are seeking. There are no right or wrong answers.
If you have more than one child at school, please respond based on the experience of your oldest child at the school. HERE is a link to the survey and some simple instructions.
Last year we had an overwhelming response and this year we are seeking a 100% response. If we have 100% of families respond, we will pick a random student name from each class, and they can choose to be any staff member for a day – not just Principal for the day.

Important Dates
Campbelltown Library Excursion Year 1/2
Student Leader Visit to Greenleaves ELC
Book Week Parade
2:15pm Assembly - Lead by 3/4Z
8:55am 'Father's Day' Community Prayer - Lead by Receptions
Father's Day Stall
9:00am Class Liturgy - 1/2LM
R U OK? Day
8:55am Community Prayer - Lead by 5/6JH
2:15pm Assembly - Lead by 1/2LM
School Concert
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Sports Day
Children's Book Week®

This week is Children's Book Week®
August 19 - August 25. The theme for 2023 is “READ. GROW. INSPIRE.”
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Catholic Schools Magazine
