St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter Term 4, 23.10.2024
Dear Families,
It feels like a while since I’ve written to our community in depth so I thought I’d take some time to share some updates on various things that are going on.
Teaching and Learning
It’s been a big year regarding the development of teaching and learning on site.
To put it bluntly it’s the most important thing that I oversee. The year has been about establishing processes, ensuring consistent practice and the ensuring that each child across the school is making a year’s growth. This has involved bringing in the Initialit Program into our Reception cohort, Re-Training staff on the PLD program that guides our Year 1-6 Spelling program, Professional Development around explicit teaching as well as the development of Maths Reviews in class to help aid the retention of concepts learnt.
We now have clear and consistent programs and practices that ensure this now which I believe, I know puts us in in the strongest educational position in schools in the East.
It’s a credit to the strong leadership on site we have been able to offer but more accurately the credit belongs to the hardworking teachers who have embraced changes and new initiatives this year.
New Initiatives for 2025
Speaking of new initiatives as we consolidate our teaching and learning in classroom, we look at enrichment and enhancement opportunities across the site.
In Week 7 I will be announcing a range of new initiatives for SFOA into 2025. These will centre around sport, arts and learning academies and programs that will provide further educational and wellbeing nourishment to our students.
Keep an eye out on Audiri and our social media channels in Week 7 for what I’m labelling as ‘Announcement Week’.
We are at the final stages of finalising our staff for 2025. I will be able to share this information in full at the beginning of Week 5.
In week 8 students will have the opportunity to meet their new class and teacher which helps to ease any anxiety present at this time of year.
Early Learning Centre
A topic of conversation that comes up regularly from prospective parents and current parents is around an Early Learning Centre. I know this is a repetitive line from my end but we are in ongoing conversations with CESA about the possibility of an ELC on site and these talks are progressing in an extremely positive way. I hope to have more news I can share before the end of the year or early next year.
Sports Day
Never an easy decision to postpone an event such as Sports Day, and I was slightly nervous waking up to not much rain on Friday morning. However, by 11am when the rain was teaming down it became clear that it would have been a difficult day to hold the event, and we wouldn’t have got through the whole program. Here’s hoping that our revised date sits in the Goldilocks zone of weather – not too hot, not too cold – Just right.
A reminder that the revised date for Sports day is the Wednesday of Week 4 (6th of November) from 9am. We will resend the program and the logistics of the day early next week.
Master Plan
We have an initial design for the School Master plan which is still undergoing revisions.
Included in this
- Updates and refurbishments to all classrooms
- An improved and landscaped piazza
- Development of a Maker Space where students will have the ability to access a Food Tech and Digital Tech program
We are hoping to finalise the Master Plan and be able to explore it in detail at our 2025 Launch night early next year. This time next year we are hoping to have shovels in the ground.
Current and ongoing works
Now that we have some certainty around elements of our Master Plan it allows us to complete some more pressing developments to our site.
This includes
- Improved Drinking Taps for students
- New Shade for our Oval Playground and Shining Stars area
- ReSpray of Junior Primary Playground over the Holidays
Colour Run
Looking forward to a fun afternoon this Friday for the Colour Run. Thank you so much for your generosity, but outside of that I’m looking forward to a great afternoon.
I’m very appreciate of Miss Lisa Cavuoto’s organisation of this event. As I discussed with the staff last Wednesday – it is fair easier not to run events like this. But we know that sometimes fun events like these are the memorable ones for both students and staff alike.
New Enrolments
I’d like to welcome the 3 new families to our school who began at the start of this term. They have been a welcome addition to our family and culture.
Term 4 is massive. We’ve got this.
Scott March
Last week we celebrated our first Mass in the MPF due to construction works in the Church. It was a beautiful Mass to honour our patron – St Francis of Assisi. On Friday November 1st we will have another Mass in the MPF for All Saints Day and all families are welcome to attend.
Our Sacramental students will be making their First Reconciliation on Tuesday 29th of October in the Church at 6pm. We keep these children in our prayers and they continue on the sacramental journey.
During the holidays our Parish celebrated the Feast of St Francis of Assisi and one of our Senior Leaders, Alessia De Nitto, represented the school by doing a reading at the Mass. Thankyou to Alessia and her family for being part of this special celebration.
Halloween is approaching and I would like to share some thoughts about the Catholic view on Halloween. Halloween continues to gain commercial popularity and is popular in North American secular culture. We don’t ignore Halloween at a Catholic School here in Australia however we focus on the Christian understanding of life and death through All Saints and All Souls Day.
Halloween does have Christian roots dating back to the eight century when ‘All Hallows’ Day was recognised. All Hallows being All Saints which is a solemn feast for Catholics. ‘All Hallows Eve’ (shortened to Halloween) as it was originally called was the night before All Saints Day where people would light candles for Saints who have died. Hallow means saint and is also used in the Our Father ‘hallowed be thy name’ meaning Jesus` name is holy.
As All Saints and All Souls Day approach us, we pray for and recognise Saints and those who have died. Explaining to children the connection of Halloween to All Saints and All Souls Day helps them understand the Catholic context of praying for those how have died and recognise our special Saints.
Melissa Canil
At the end of Term 3, our talented Festival Choir took to the stage at the Adelaide Festival Centre, and what a performance it was! Along with more than 400 students from Catholic schools across South Australia, our choir had the unique opportunity to share their limitless potential and capabilities in a wonderful celebration of musical talent.
The 2024 theme ‘Where Dreams Begin’ included songs from the Walt Disney/Pixar film BRAVE, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Broadway Musicals CAROUSEL and THE SOUND OF MUSIC, as well as an Off To See The Wizard Tribute arranged by Pamela Buccini and festival director Denise Rothall.
A special thank you to our families and staff who attended this event and supported our choir students. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing where their musical journey takes them next!
Kind regards,
Michelle Page

Dear Families,
Thank you to all the families who have supported our school for our Colour Explosion School Run 4 Fun Fundraiser. It is greatly appreciated.
Our Colour Explosion School Run 4 Fun will be held from 1:30pm to 3pm on 25/10/24.
Please remember:
- To wear your white t-shirt as you will be covered in coloured powder from head to toe!
- Any coloured old pair of shorts
- Old sneakers
Families are more than welcome to come attend and watch the event. If you are a registered voulteer and would like to assist on the day please let me know.
Our fundraiser is coming to an end shortly so pleased make sure your donations are completed.
The online donations close on the 24/10/25 at 11.59pm AEST, student’s prizes are ordered automatically based on their fundraising efforts!
For further information, please contact Lisa Cavuoto via
Kind Regards,
Lisa Cavuoto
- If paying by direct debit – fees to be finalised by the 30th of November .
- If paying by 4 payments, or random payments – all fees MUST be finalised by the 15th of November.
If you have arranged with me a formal payment plan, then this will be in place and continue as arranged.
Should you not be on track to meet these deadlines you are requested to contact me by 29th October (Tuesday – Friday) to discuss options available.
The school is obliged to follow the SACCS Fees policy, which allows for debt collection, by a debt collection agency, should fees remain unpaid with no conversation being had nor mutually acceptable arrangements put in place.
On signing the school Enrolment form and Acceptance of offer, both of which are legal documents, you have agreed to the payment of school fees. We are happy to, confidentially, work with you to ensure you meet your obligation to the school, in a fair and equitable manner.
You will receive, via post a copy of your statement, within the next week, should you have made payment since the date on the statement this will be applied to your account once showing on our bank reconciliation.
Yours sincerely
Jo Sayers
Business Manger
Please see below for NEW opening days and times for the NOONE Uniform Shop.
You can now drop in at the uniform shop without an appointment to purchase items at any time during the opening hours. Please remember if you you need a complete fitting for your child you will still need to make an appointment.
NOONE Uniform Shop,10 Newton Rd, Campbelltown.
To shop online:Shop Online | St Francis of Assisi School | Noone
To make an APPOINTMENT - Book a fitting
Monday: 8:00am – 1.00pm
Tuesday: 10:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am -1:00pm
Thursday: 10:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday: 10.30pm- 5.30pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Athelstone Kindergym is now conveniently located on the grounds of St Francis of Assisi school.
Kindergym Promotes the development of the whole child socially, emothinally, cognitively and physically through movement - it's a place where children can swing, jump, throw,climb, explore and learn in a safe environment.
It is a not-for Profit organisation specialising in programs for children from 6 months to 5 years of age. Kindergym operates during school terms and each session is managed by a qualified teacher.
Books are essential. Please use the link to Athelstone Kindergym website for more information and how to book.
Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
All Saints Day Mass 9.30am
First Reconciliation rehearsal - 7pm
COLOUR RUN Day - wear white t-shirt
Community prayer 8.55 - Receptions
Assembly led by 1/2V 2.15 in the MPF
Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6pm
Family Mass 5pm
SACPSSA Athletics Carnival
Scientific Bubble Show R-Yr2 Incursion
Community prayer 8.55 - 6V
SWIMMING WEEK - Mon 18/11 - Thurs 21/11
BOOK FAIR - Week 8 Monday 2nd December - Friday 6th December
WHOLE SCHOOL PICNIC - Friday 6th at Thorndon Pk
PUPIL FREE DAY - Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

The Southern Cross | South Australia's Catholic News - August edition
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
