St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter Term 2 Week 10 2.07.2024
Dear Families,
We reach the end of what has been a wonderful first semester of learning here at St Francis of Assisi.
I feel very privileged to have led such a committed staff and the welcome I have received across this time from our community here at Newton has been wonderful. We have recently been completing some literacy end of term testing and the results have been so affirming. The growth we are seeing is validating, as we aim for the minimum of one year’s learning growth for each student.
Next Term we welcome Athlestone Kindergym on to our site. They will be running their programs in the room adjacent to the library each morning from 9 to 10:45am. As they settle into our site as mentioned in the announcement, we will be employing members of their staff to work with our younger students in a gross motor room. This is an incredibly exciting partnership.
The programs that ran in those rooms including some intervention work and programs for our students with English as an Additional Language will now occur in a classroom in the Mackillop Wing of the school.
Student Free Day
A reminder that Monday the 22nd of July will be a student Free Day. Our staff will be involved in two separate professional development opportunities on this day. Our teaching staff are involved in the inaugural Eastern Conference where all Catholic School teachers form the East of Adelaide will gather for a convention focussing on Student Agency.
Our ESO’s will receive some targeted professional development in working with students that require additional support for a variety of learning disabilities.
New Students
We are experiencing a period of growth at SFOA at the moment which is a reflection of the strong teaching and learning culture we are continuing to develop.
We will have 18 new students joining us at the start of next semester. 15 of these students will be joining us in Mid-Year Reception with 3 other students joining us across various classrooms in the school.
We welcomed our Mid-Year families with a special liturgy last week and a short film documenting their journey.
We will reach the middle of the year with approximately 265 students which when I talk to new families at our school I refer to as being in the ‘Goldilocks’ Zone of school numbers. Not too big that we lose sight of the little pictures but not too small that we can’t offer wonderful opportunities to our children.
Personally, I’m looking forward to a week off ahead as we move into the holidays. My family like many others have had a tough introduction to winter with a variety of colds and flu impacting our homelife. I’m looking forward to at least a couple of ‘ugg boot’ days where I can put the feet up and spend time with Harrison and Thomas in a world of magnetic tiles and Lego.
I wish all of you who may be travelling across this break my prayers, and I can’t wait to get stuck in next term.
God Bless,
Scott March
This week we conclude out Vinnies Winter Appeal. Thankyou to all the families who have generously donated pantry items and blankets/clothes for the Vinnies Donation tubs and bins. This Friday 5th July we are holding a casual day Pyjama Day to raise money for our local Vinnies group.
Sacramental Program 2024/2025
It is time to commence the Sacramental Program for 2024/2024. At St Francis of Assisi we run a Parish-Based, School and Family Supported Sacramental Program that begins in Term 3, August 2024 and will end in May 2025. During this time your child can complete the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation and become fully initiated in the Catholic Church.
If you choose to enrol your child in the Sacramental Program, they will be required to attend evening workshops with you, complete home activities and attend Family Mass regularly. As well as the Religious Education that our students receive at school, there is other elements to the preparing for Sacraments that require family support. For example, attending family workshops together with your child then completing activities at home.
According to the the Archdiocese of Adelaide policy, the Sacramental Program is offered to all children from age 7 years and above. It is a parent’s choice as to what age you choose to enrol your child. Some children are ready at age 7 to begin the Sacramental Program and some children may not be ready until age 10. This is choice is completely up to parents. If you have any questions about the Sacrament Program, feel free to chat to me or send me an email at
If you are interested in enrolling your child please complete the form on Audiri. This is simply an expression of interest at the moment, then next term you will receive a registration pack with dates and fee information.
Melissa Canil
On Monday 1st July Semester 1 reports were released on SEQTA Engage.
If you are yet to connect to SEQTA Engage, and would like support to do so, please contact Michelle Page at
Hardcopy reports, where they were requested, will be sent home by the end of Week 10.
Grandparents day is scheduled for Term 3, Week 1, Friday 26th July which is on the Feast of Jesus` Grandparents (St Joachim and Saint Anne parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary). On Grandparents Day we will begin with a Liturgy in the MPF at 9:10am, followed by classroom visits for Grandparents. After this Grandparents will be invited for morning tea and coffee under the verandah (or inside MPF if inclement weather). We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with all grandparents and grandfriends in our community.

Well done to our Year 5/6 Basketball Team 'The Hurricanes' who won their grand final game by 3 points Monday afternoon. The boys played with great sporsmanship and represented our school well. A big thankyou goes to coach, Mr Mathews and to all the family, friends and staff who attended and cheered the team on.
St Francis of Assisi School Photo day will be in Term 3, 19th August 2024.
This year it will be all paperless which means all orders will be completed online.
At the start of next term you will recieve and email from MSP photograpers with instuctions and a code of how to order photos of your children. This will also include details of how to order family photos as well. Please check your emails especially you junk email incase it goes there.
If you have NOT recieve an email by week 2 of term 3 please ring MSP on 8132 1148.
Family Photos will take place ONLY before school from 8.15am to 8.50am.

Please see below for opening days and times for the Campbelltown Uniform Shop. Please remember to make a booking when you need a fitting for your child
To shop online:
To make an APPOINTMENT - Book a fitting
Monday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Thursday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
SACPSSA Netball Carnival
Artist in Residence - Years 3/4
Mini Vinnies Winter Apeal fundraiser - Pyjama Day
Term 2 Concludes 3pm - Happy Holidays!!
Parents & Friends QUIZ NIGHT
Family Mass - 5pm
TERM 3 begins - welcome back!
Grandparents Day
Assembly 2.15pm 6V
SACPSSA Cross Country Running
Year 6 Walk a Mile
PUPIL FREE DAY- Monday 22nd July
SCHOOL PHOTOS - Monday 19th August 2024
BOOK WEEK - Monday 19th August - Fiday 23rd August
YEAR 5/6 School camp - Monday 26/8 - Wednesda 28/8
PUPIL FREE DAY - 27th September - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Current Edition - June
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
