St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter 25th Feb 2025
Dear Families,
We are absolutely back into the swing of things here at St Francis of Assisi with a new year and new opportunities for our school community.
Launch Night
Thank you to all those families who attended the Launch Night and Principal Presentation. I was able to share the vision ahead with our newly formalised Master Plan as well demonstrate what we have been working on inside the classroom regarding Teaching and Learning. I’ll provide a brief update below about what was covered.
Teaching and Learning
I demonstrated some Maths Reviews and talked about our pedagogical approach. Each day our classes complete an 8–10-minute Maths Review which helps to reinforce previous content learnt. This is often mirrored in their homework.
I could write an entire newsletter article about homework, but I want to reinforce some key points
- Families lead extraordinary busy lives with work, sport and other competing priorities after school. Sometimes homework can’t be done and that is OK. Communicate with the class teacher and it is never an issue.
- Homework is about reinforcing learnt content, rather than learning new content. If homework (especially Maths) is causing stress, simply stop and circle the content that is causing stress and allow the student to meet with the teacher to discuss the next day or during the week.
Building Works
Later in the year construction will begin on the refurbishment of our classroom spaces across the school. This will be transformative work and help us deliver teaching and learning in a contemporary and research-based approach. Classrooms will be fitted with a teaching wall, new furniture and a complete refit of lighting, carpet, air conditioners creating vibrant light filled learning spaces.
The Master Plan is at the final stages of Catholic Education approval processes, and once that has been finalised, I will share it in a separate Audiri post to our community.
We expect this work to begin in August/September.
There has never been a more exciting time to be at SFOA.
Enrolment 2026/2027
Our numbers are growing, and positions are filling up quickly for 2026 and 2027. Please let your friends and family know if they would like to tour here, they can book through our website or contact the front office for a personal tour. I take pride in walking new families throughout our school and through our settled and engaging classrooms and our tours recently have been well attended.
Kind Regards,
Scott March
APRIM News Week 5 Term 1 2025
Next week Lent begins and we will be having a whole school Mass at 9:30am in the Church on Ash Wednesday. We will be marked with ashes to signify the beginning of the Lenten Season. As the long journey to Easter stretches before us, it is time to take stock, to reflect on our lives and to make a new start. We are called to make a change – to spend more time in prayer, to fast and go without something, to remember what is truly important, and to share what we have with others who are in need. During this prayer time I ask you to reflect on the following question: “What changes will you make this Lent?” Lent is one of the most important seasons in the Catholic Calendar; it is a time when we prepare ourselves for Easter. During these days of Lent, we are invited to turn back to God with all our hearts, to try to be more of the kind of person that God calls us to be.
Project Compassion boxes will be distributed to all families next week to support Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help support vulnerable people around the world. This Lent, Caritas Australia's Project Compassion invites you to Unite Against Poverty and take action to make a lasting difference. With your support, Caritas Australia has been able to support communities around the world to tackle poverty, food security, education, water and sanitation and disaster risk reduction. Our Social Justice Leaders and Mini-Vinnies will be holding several fundraisers for Project Compassion during this term.
This Friday we have our first Community Prayer for the year in the MPF at 9am led by 1/2VS. Last Friday 6H held an intimate Class Liturgy led by the students. Thankyou to the parents who attended this. I encourage all families to join us for Family Mass this Sunday.
Melissa Canil
Dear Families,
This year at St. Francis of Assisi School we will again be participating in the annual Premiers Reading Challenge for 2025. Participating children from Reception to Year 6 are required to read 8 Premier’s Reading Challenge books and 4 personal choice books. This will be documented on the new PRC form which the teachers have now received. The Premier’s Reading Challenge concludes on September 5, 2025 (Week 7, Term 3).
Research confirms that reading to children for just 10 minutes each day strengthens literacy, models positive reading behaviour and builds children’s self-esteem about reading.
The PRC is most successful when parents show an interest and support their children. Help your child read their 12 books for the year and you will be making a positive difference to their future.
Awards are given out to children at assembly in November, these include:
First year Certificate
2nd year Bronze medal
3rd year Silver medal
4th year Gold medal
5th year Champion medal
6th year Legend medal
7th year Hall of fame medal
8th year onwards Hall of fame reader for life award
Happy Reading!!
Volunteer Inductions for all new Volunteers will be held in Week 6 of this term.
Monday 3rd March at 9am AND Wednesday 5th March at 6pm.
Please use the following link to book into your perfered time.
All Volunteers wishing to continue as a registered volunteer at the school MUST update their RRHAN-EC training and provide the school with the new Cerificate. It will have a new date of 31/12/2027.
ALL previous RRHAN certificates expired in 2024 are no longer valid.
Please use this link to update the RRHAN certificate. Plink
Do you have a child who may be interested in playing netball?
The school netball competition winter season will be starting in Term 2 2025. Winter season netball runs for term 2 and 3.
Registrations are open NOW and close 14th March 2025.
Please see the information below about registering your child for the school winter netball season.
The season begins the week of 28th April 2025.
What: Netball – Indoor
Season: WINTER season terms 2 & 3 2025.
When: 11& under and 13& under – Friday’s from 5pm
7& under and 9& under– Monday’s from 5pm (Netta modified rules rules)
Where: Golden Grove Recreation Centre, The Golden Way, Golden Grove.
Uniform: SFOA Netball dress and bibs (Supplied by the school, to be returned at end of the season)***
Cost: $50 via QKR app – includes registration, bibs, use of uniform, equipment.
There is a game fee to be paid each week on the night.
Registration: Registration and $50 fee payment via the QKR app by March 14th 2025
** please note: registration is for the full season, terms 2 AND 3 for 2025. **
Please see the QKR app (under sport) to register your child and pay for the season.
The school soccer season is about to start again for terms 2 and 3 2025.
Registrations are open NOW and close 7th March 2025.
Please see the attached information about registering your child for the school soccer season.
The season begins Saturday 10th May until Saturday 23rd August 2025.
Games will be any time between 8am and 12 noon depending on the number of teams in the competition.
Registration is for games every Saturday morning for the whole season and possibly training after school depending on if/when the coach is available.
Cost per child for the season is $75.
Please see the QKR app to register your child and pay for the season.
Uniform Shop
10 Newton Rd, Campbelltown SA 5074
Contact details:
Website: shop online
Phone: 7095 2535
Trading hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Sunday and public holidays CLOSED

Important Dates
Swimming Trials at the ARC
Community prayer 8.55am - Led by 1/2VS
Volunteer Induction 9am
Assembly -Led by 1/2LS - 2.15pm
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Volunteer Induction 6pm
Ash Wednesday Mass - 9.30am
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
NAPLAN begins
TERM 1 2025
- Year 5/6 Camp - Wednesday 19th March - Friday 21st March
- Parent Teacher Interviews week 24th - 28th March
- SPORTS DAY - Friday 11th April
- Term 1 Concludes - Friday 11th April
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

The Southern Cross | South Australia's Catholic News - February Issue
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here