St Francis of Assisi school Newsletter 25th March 2025
Dear Families,
Camp Reflection
Last week, I was fortunate enough to head to Swan Reach for the Year 5/6 school camp. Outside of Sports Day, it’s close to my favourite time on the school calendar.
This year, we travelled to a camp on the river at Illawonga, just outside of Swan Reach. The activities our children took part in were fantastic—kayaking, fishing, paddle boating, and caving, all alongside their friends and teachers.
I was so impressed by the way our children approached these experiences.
Courage comes in many forms, and we saw it displayed in so many ways. For some, it was stepping outside their comfort zone and trying something new. Many had never been near the Murray River before and were initially hesitant even to dip their feet in. I grew up on the river and, like my parents, was always cautious around it. We would ski, kneeboard, and swim, but always with adult supervision and the right safety gear. Teaching our children how to safely enjoy the river—wearing life jackets, avoiding diving, and protecting their feet—will benefit them in the future. They embraced the challenge, and when they hesitated, they were met with unwavering support from their peers and teachers.
For many, the courage they displayed extended beyond just the activities. We know that in 2025, fewer children regularly sleep away from home at sleepovers. Being away from home and out of their routine for the first time is a big step—not just for the children, but for their parents as well. I was so proud of those who felt anxious yet, with the support of their teachers and families, pushed through and embraced the experience.
The ability to persevere through discomfort is one of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children. It’s not always easy to watch them struggle, but seeing them develop resilience, independence, and confidence makes it all worthwhile. These moments—both big and small—shape their growth and prepare them for the challenges ahead.
School camp is so much more than just a few days away. It’s an opportunity to build lifelong memories, strengthen friendships, and learn lessons that will stay with them for years to come. I feel incredibly grateful to have been part of it.
60th Anniversary celebrations
Last week on Audiri and on our Social Media platforms we released tickets to our 60th Anniversary Gala. This is held on the 21st of June in at the Wine Centre in Adelaide. It will be a sensational night we dive back into the past, explore the present and look into the future ahead for SFOA. Entertainment will be provided by Entertainment Adelaide throughout the night and there will be as series of presentations, guest speakers and video presentations throughout the evening.
Tickets are available through the link below:
Later in the year we will celebrate further with a week of celebrations in Term 4 which will be driven by our Year 6 cohort.
God Bless,
Scott March
APRIM News Week 9 Term 1 2025
This morning we had a whole school Mass for the Annunciation of the Lord. Fr Anthoni spoke to the children about how happy Mary was when the angel told her she was having a son. He asked to children to spread joy and listen to God just like Mary did.
Project Compassion
As we journey through this season of Lent, we invite you to make this year’s Project Compassion fundraising extra special. Your donation makes a difference. With your support, communities in need can access vital resources, build sustainable futures, and create lasting change. In a year where the world is experiencing record rates of food and water insecurity, conflict and rising poverty, this is our chance to rally our community and make a difference. Creating a better world is a task that needs all of us to play our part. Let’s consider how we can love our neighbours and serve Christ in one another today. Each child has brought home a Project Compassion box, inviting families and friends to support this important cause. Every donation - big or small - helps transform lives. We invite you to give what you can and return the box to school by the end of Term 1 or when it is full. Together, we can make a meaningful impact. Let’s work together to build a thriving future for all and unite against poverty this Lent. Thank you for your generosity and for walking this Lenten journey with us in faith and action.
Harmony Day
Last week classes reflected on Harmony Day which was celebrated on Friday 21st of March. Australia first observed ‘Harmony Day’ on 21 March 1999, carrying the message ‘Everyone belongs’, Harmony Day encourages Australians of all ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds to participate in their community, get to know one other, and understand and trust each other, respecting our cultural and religious differences. Acknowledging each other and our diversity helps us to grow as a community and as individuals, and in appreciating the world in which we live. As Catholics we support this vision.
Holy Week
This year Holy Week and Easter falls in the school holidays. As a school we will commemorate the events of Holy Week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning of Week 11 at 9am in the MPF with Community Prayer.
Tuesday – 1/2VS will lead Palm Sunday
Wednesday – 3/4C will lead The Last Supper
Thursday – 6V will lead Stations of the Cross
Melissa Canil
Have you thought about instrumental music lessons for your child?
At St Francis of Assisi, we offer instrumental lessons with expert tutors who come to school and conduct one-on-one lessons with students during the school day. We are currently offering lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, drums and guitar. Click here to fill in the form Instrumental Programme expression of interest or feel free to contact me on if you have any questions about our program.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to develop skills in a musical instrument and the benefits of music include improved memory, enhanced coordination, stress reduction, and increased creativity, as well as fostering discipline, confidence, and social skills.
Ella playing with her best piano posture for her teacher Mrs Lee.
Ruby trying the low notes on the piano in her lesson.
Evie finding the correct finger placement with help from her teacher Mrs Yang.
Please order sushi via the QKR app by Wednesday midnight.
If your child would like to become a member of Children's University for 2025 please scan the attached QR code to complete the registration process, and make payment via QKR! by - Friday, March 28, 2025.
Our students have the opportunity to be involved in this exciting program, led by the University of Adelaide. Children's University aims to nurture aspirations and develop a love of learning.
Please see the attached letter for more information. Childrens University information
All Volunteers wishing to continue as a registered volunteer at the school MUST update their RRHAN-EC training and provide the school with the new Cerificate. It will have a new date of 31/12/2027.
ALL previous RRHAN certificates expired in 2024 are no longer valid.
Please use this link to update the RRHAN certificate. Plink
Please find below Noone Imagewear - Campbelltown location's opening hours for the April school holidays.
Fitting appointments are available to book via the Noone website. Bookings are not strictly necessary, but help us plan for how many staff to have on that day. We do strongly suggest that reception students use the booking system though, as those fittings are more intensive and it means we can set aside a staff member to help parents who are new to the process.
10 Newton Rd, Campbelltown SA 5074
Phone: 08 7095 2535
Website: (bookings and online shop): St Francis of Assisi School | Noone
MON 14/4 |
9AM-5PM |
TUE 15/4 |
9AM-5PM |
WED 16/4 |
9AM-5PM |
THUR 17/4 |
9AM-5PM |
FRI 18/4 |
SAT 19/4 |
MON 21/4 |
TUE 22/4 |
9AM-5PM |
WED 23/4 |
9AM-5PM |
THUR 24/4 |
9AM-5PM |
FRI 25/4 |
SAT 26/4 |
9AM-1PM |
Uniform Shop
10 Newton Rd, Campbelltown SA 5074
Contact details:
Website: shop online
Phone: 7095 2535
Trading hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Sunday and public holidays CLOSED

Important Dates
SEDA College Basketball clinic
1/2P Class Liturgy 9am
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
SEDA College Basketball clinic
Sacraments Workshops #3
Community Prayer - led by 5B
Palm Sunday Prayer led by 1/2V 8.55am
The Last Supper - led by 3/4C 8.55am
Stations of the Cross - Led by 6V 8.55am
Term 1 Concludes 3pm
TERM 1 2025
- SPORTS DAY - Friday 11th April
- Term 1 Concludes - Friday 11th April
TERM 2 comences 28th April 2025
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

The Southern Cross | South Australia's Catholic News - February Issue
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here