Term 1 Week 3, 14th February 2023, ISSUE: 2

Catholic Education South Australia
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Father John Visit 3/4C - Tuesday 14th February

Volunteer induction session - Thursday 16th February - 9am in the Library

3/4Z Class Liturgy - Friday 17th February 9am

NAPLAN practice week - Monday 20th February - Friday 24th February

Shrove Tuesday - 21st February. Pancakes provided for students

Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Fr John - Wednesday 22nd February - 2.30pm in the Gym. Families are welcome to attend

Community Prayer - Friday 24th February - In the Piazza at 8.55am led by 3/4C

Fr John visit 5/6V - Tuesday 28th February

Optometrist Screen students - Tuesday 28th February

Parent Optometrist Session in the Library - Wednesday 2rd March 9am

5/6V Class Liturgy - Friday 3rd March 9am

Auto Italia Car Show - Sunday 5th March

Family Mass - Sunday 5th March 5pm

Assembly - Monday 6th March 2.15pm Led by 1/2V

Pupil Free Day - Friday 10th March

Adelaide Cup Public Holiday - Monday 13th March


Please see attached Term 1 Calendar for more future dates.

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From the Acting Principal

Dear Families and Friends

You will have noticed that the first stage of the Nature Play area is almost complete and should be finished by the end of this month. We are delighted that the children have had access to most of the space since the start of the term.

“Nature play significantly improves all aspects of child development – physical, cognitive, social and emotional. Playing outdoors grows resilience, self-confidence, initiative, creativity and more.” Climbing Trees website

Students  have been making potions and lotions by grinding rocks and bark in the carved bowl logs, they have been building forts and campfires with rocks and sticks and branches. They have climbed and slid and laughed and enjoyed. It is heartening to watch them interact across all ages and genders and use their imagination collaboratively.

Thank you
Thank you for paying heed to my notices last week regarding the start and finish times and the morning routines regarding parking, Piazza supervision only, and attendance notification. It makes for a smooth start to the day for us all. If there is anything we can do to support you in any matter, please speak to your child’s class teacher. We have lots of support to create a ‘soft landing’ to school for any anxious young people.

Some of you amazing parents are letting me know the frustration you have on an almost daily basis as you battle with your child about wearing the correct uniform. Mel and I will do a walk through the classrooms this week and ascertain the number of students who are defying the uniform expectations and will work with staff to ensure you are informed when your child is not correctly attired for school. If we have a concerted effort over the next 2 weeks and work together, I am sure we will be able to correct this. Thank you in anticipation. If you need to speak with me about this or any other concern, please ring the office to make a time.

Parents & Friends
Please read the information in this newsletter about potentially volunteering to join us on a P&F Committee. The staff are currently discussing Passion Projects for the school on topics they feel passionate about such as Community, Performances, Wellbeing, Marketing, Early Years, Ecological Conversion, Nature Play & Earthcare  and Student Events. Perhaps there is potential for us all to work together in some areas which will enhance community.

Enjoy the glorious weather.

Kindest regards

Angela Morrison

Acting Principal


Aprim News

Thankyou to the families who joined us for Beginning of Year Mass last week. Fr John commented on how beautiful the children were during the Mass. This week we have our first class liturgy with 3/4Z and next week we will have our first Community Prayer led by 3/4C. Next week we begin our Lenten Journey starting on Ash Wednesday. Lent is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is a time to get closer to God and we teach our children ways to do this through actions. The Project Compassion boxes will be distributed on Ash Wednesday. We will have a whole school Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Fr John on Wednesday at 2:30pm if you are able to join us in the MPF.

You may like to say this prayer at home with your children.

Prayer for Ash Wednesday

God our Father, as we begin this holy season of Lent, help us to see that your merciful love is with us always, even when we wander far from you. With the help of your grace, may our prayers and sacrifices over the next forty days lead us closer to you and to each other, the poor, the sick and the lonely so that together, we can fulfil your promises for all who live in your love. Amen

A couple of weeks ago the Provincial or our Franciscan Friars came to all the Masses at Newton Parish with a big announcement. From January 2024 the Friars are leaving St Francis of Assisi Newton Parish. The Parish will be handed over to the Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Friars will be placed elsewhere in Australia. The Parish of Newton will not close but the Friars will no longer serve us. The Archdiocese of Adelaide will appoint clergy to look after Newton Parish. This decision was made due to the decrease in numbers of Franciscan Priests and a large amount of elderly priests that are at the end of their vocation. The next 12 months will be a time of transition.  Let us keep them all in our prayers this coming year. Below is a letter for the Vicar General regarding this announcement.


Greetings and best wishes from the Archbishop’s Office. 

Last weekend it was announced in the parish that as of 31st of January 2024, the Capuchin Friars will be withdrawing from the pastoral ministry of the parish. It was also stated that “The parish will continue under the pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Adelaide.” I want to reassure all parishioners that this will be the case. The Church of St Francis of Assisi will not be closed, and the parish will not be disbanded. The celebration of the Mass and Sacraments and pastoral care of the people will continue. During the year, this will be a key priority for the Archbishop and his Consultors. It will be sad for the parish to lose the wonderful pastoral care that the Capuchins have provided for so many years, and I’m sure that there will be appropriate ways to express your thanks and that of the Archdiocese for them. Their leaving reflects the shortage of priests that we are all experiencing, but may it be a stimulus for us all in renewing our faith and hope in the future and also our confident prayer that God is calling more young men into His service as Priests and Religious. May God continue to bless this final year of ministry of the Capuchins and all the people of the Newton Parish. 

Sincerely Yours in Christ, 

Fr Dean Marin Vicar General


Student Leaders for 2023

Yesterday at our whole school assembly we announced our Mini-Vinnies and Wellbeing Leaders for 2023. Congratulations to these children for being nominated as a student leader. We look forward to working with them this year to make a positive difference in our school community and demonstrate our faith through actions.


Mini-Vinnies Leader              Wellbeing Leader

RP                    Fabian                                     Danielle

RB                    Giovanni                                 Ruby

1/2V                Luca D                                     Giuseppe Corbo

1/2MC             Sienna                                     Alessandro

1/2LM             Ellia                                         Evelyn L

3/4C                Olivia                                      Bronte

3/4Z                Anaya                                     Lillian

3/4D                Dominique                             Ava L

5/6V                Dillon                                      Anwen

5/6JH               Alessia C                                 Natalie

5/6KH              Zara                                         Khaleesi


Volunteering at SFOA

It is a privilege to have supportive parents that are willing to volunteer their time and effort to support our school. We are looking to increase our pool of registered volunteers at SFOA. Once you are a registered volunteer you can support with excursions, P & F Events and volunteer for in class support. There is a process for becoming a registered volunteer and the front office can give you more information. I will be running regular inductions throughout the year that you can book into online (one is on Thursday this week). If you are unsure whether you are a registered volunteer or would like to become one please contact the front office. We value your contribution to our school community and we are often in need of more hands to help out. Thankyou for your partnership.

Melissa Canil



Parents and Friends Committee

Parents and Friends Committee

In 2023, St Francis of Assisi will be establishing a Parents and Friends Committee. We are inviting all interested members of our community to join us. The SFOA Parents and Friends Committee aims to strengthen the connections of the school community to ensure a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for all students and families. If you would like to join the Parents and Friends Committee in 2023 please fill in the attached form.


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Premiers Readers Challenge 2023

Premiers Reading Challenge celebrates 20 years of supporting reading and our school has been there from the beginning!

There is a special Challenge this year too with an extra certificate awarded if students complete this Challenge.

Students can still participate in the usual 12 book Challenge but to receive the 20year certificate, an extra 8 books is required, to be read, totaling 20 books. Students can request either a 12 or 20 form to complete from their teachers.

Reading materials include e-books, audio books, class/shared reading, prescribed books for school, non-fiction books, books read as research for assignments or books in another language. This means that everyone can participate!

The Reading Challenge needs to be completed by Week 7, Term 3.

Awards are distributed in Term 4.

Happy reading!

https://premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/ for more information

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