Term 4 Week 5 15th November 2022 ISSUE:18

Catholic Education South Australia
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Community Prayer - Friday 18th November 8.55am in the Piazza

Swimming week for Receptions to Year 4 - 21st November to 24th November.

Community Prayer - Friday 25th November 8.55am in the Piazza - 3/4Z

Instrumental concert - Thursday 24th November, 6pm

Assembly for Sports presentation & Children's University - Monday 28th November, 2.15pm.

Blessing of the Cribs Liturgy - 30th November - 9.30am

Whole School End of Year Picnic  at Thorndan park- 30th November

Athletics Carnival - Thursday 1st December


Christmas Carol Concert - 9th December

Last Day of Term 4 - Thursday15th December

Pupil Free day -  Friday 16th December

Term 1 2023 begins Monday 30th January


Please see the attached Calendar for all Term 4 events


From the Acting Principal

Dear Friends and Families

I sincerely hope everyone is safe after the storms on the weekend. We are fortunate that school didn’t lose power and we were able to remain open yesterday. I think it is the first time I have seen rain inside a shopping centre!


Next week is a very exciting week with swimming from Monday until Thursday for the students in Reception up to year 4.

I highly recommend you pack your child’s winter sports uniform to change into after swimming. This unseasonal weather has been unpredictable.

Instrumental Evening

Next Thursday 24th November at 6 pm, the students who have been taking private instrumental lessons at school, will get the opportunity to showcase their talents at the annual instrumental evening held in the Music Room. Parents have asked me what the students need to wear, and because it’s swimming week, we thought it might be easier to wear casual clothes this year.

Library News

Book Fair is in week 8, Monday 5th December - Friday 9th December and will be open for Christmas shopping before the Twilight Nativity and Carols evening.

The Book Fair drawing competition entries are due by Monday 28th November.

Santa letters are due by Monday 21st November.

Term 4 Returns

All library books need to be returned by Week 8 please. There is an incentive of a gingerbread prize to the 2 classes who return all their books first. This includes all overdue resources, payment, or replacement of lost books.

Blessing of the Cribs and Whole School Picnic

Please keep the date Wednesday 30th November free, and please pray for a glorious summer day. I am really looking forward to us all sharing the day with one another as community.

Lost Property

There are still a great deal of items in lost property which will be donated to
St Vincent de Paul once the term concludes. Please ask your child/ren to collect all their belongings from lost property before the end of term.

Kindest regards

Angela Morrison


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Aprim News

Last week our Mini-Vinnies launched our Vinnies Christmas appeal, see the information above about what each class is donating. This year as we experience the third year of the pandemic, we have enjoyed more opportunities and are reconnecting with our loved ones. But for many less fortunate than us, Christmas can be a lonely, challenging and even stressful time as they battle with the rising cost of living. Vinnies are always so thankful the generosity of our school community to support families in need during this Christmas season.

This year our Blessing of the Cribs liturgy is on Wednesday 30th November at 9:30am to coincide with our whole school picnic on that day. Parents are invited to join us for this liturgy and bring your nativity sets from home to receive a blessing from Fr John.

Advent is approaching in a couple of weeks. Advent is a season of preparation: we shop for gifts, plan parties, and decorate our homes for the coming of Christmas. Sometimes it is easy to forget the real mission of Advent: preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus Christ. We are bombarded by commercial messages in which the reason for Christmas—Emmanuel, “God with us”—is absent or overlooked. However, the rituals and practices of our Catholic liturgies during this season can join us together. We can offer messages of hope and express our desire for God's presence in our midst. In Advent we are called to be joyful as we get ready to celebrate the incarnation of our Saviour in Bethlehem.

Melissa Canil


Wellbeing News

Please find below an article that will help to support your child as they prepare for the 2023 School Year from Madhavi Nawana Parker


Worried about your child’s class placement in 2023?

It’s perfectly normal for you and your family to be thinking a lot about this. After all, children spend all day at school.

It’s only natural to have a preference for a particular teacher and normal to feel worried or disappointed if they don’t get them.

It’s important to know that a child’s emotional adjustment to leaving this year’s teacher and preparing for next year’s teacher is interconnected with your feelings about it.

Here are some ways you can help make the transition smoother for your child if you or they didn’t get the news you were hoping for.

Hear out your child’s feelings but try and avoid fixing their feelings by adding your own feelings, judgements and solutions. Feelings need to come out, be present and move through. They don’t have to be excited about the teacher they got, to learn from that teacher in the long run. The feelings you see in that initial moment aren’t necessarily reflective of how they will feel long term - especially if you don’t react with them. Humans need time to process change. When news is fresh, we can go through many feelings of resistance and uncertainty. That doesn’t mean that what’s coming is necessarily bad. You can gently say something like, ‘you really wanted X , so of course you’re disappointed. I understand. We can talk more after a cuddle/ play/ hot chocolate. (Basically, you want to avoid talking while their logical brain is switched off and emotions are high). Listening calmly and quietly is golden.

Avoid looking upset about the placement in front of your child. If they are upset, they will naturally look to you to help them feel better. This doesn’t mean you have to fake being excited if you’re not (they’ll see through that) but it does mean you do your very best to be calm, confident and if you can’t be hopeful, try and be neutral. Children need us as an emotional compass when they experience uncomfortable feelings.

Before you go in to pick them up on the day they receive their placement, remind yourself to try and trust the process. There are multiple layers to how class placements are allocated that couldn’t possibly be explained completely. School leaders and staff put in huge amounts of thought into student personalities, learning styles, teaching styles, class size, who asked to have who in their class and much more that is happening behind the scenes we’re not aware of.

Schools genuinely do their best with this decision. If you’re upset, it’s possible they are too but when weighing everything up, had no other direction to turn. Supporting your child’s teachers and school is a crucial part of your child’s psychological and academic success there.

Your reaction to next year’s teacher news is hugely important to your child. Your confidence, hopefulness and regulated emotion is crucial. If you’re not happy, try and keep these feelings in the back ground and discuss them privately with another adult. Children are too young to take on their parent’s worries. If there is a genuine problem, take logical action without involving your child in the stress associated with it.

Your child’s emotional connection to and respect for their teacher and school is deeply connected with your connection to and respect for their teacher and school.

Children learn, grow and strengthen in resilience by being with a broad range of personalities and communication styles. When things are unrealistically perfect and easy, they can get stuck in their comfort zone. To build confidence for later on in life, you need to experience a broad range of peers and situations and discover that through talking about feelings, asking for help, establishing boundaries and building your social emotional skills, you can handle a lot of what life has in store. Be there to hear their thoughts and feelings out, but above all show you have confidence in your child to get through. If situations are dangerous, toxic or damaging your child’s learning and psychological health, always talk to school staff and if necessary, other experts to ask for and seek help. Seek out the support of a health professional too if necessary. On the surface, do your best as your child’s most important adult and leader to show your confidence that your child will be safe and cared for, always.

Do something heartwarming and compassionate for yourself. If you’re upset and stressed it’s not because you’re weak or incapable. It’s because our children hold our hearts and when they hurt, we hurt. You need to look after yourself first and foremost.

Hang in there beautiful parents  

Madhavi Nawan Parker


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Children's University

Congratulations to our Children's University Graduates who graduated last week at the University of Adelaide's Bonython Hall with a special ceremony. 

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Out of school hours basketball for terms 1 and 2, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Please find attached information regarding Season 1 Basketball at the ARC for Years 1 - 6  for terms 1 and 2.

Please understand that for a team to be registered it must have someone who is willing to take on the role of the Coach or Team manager of the team. 

Basketball registrations are now open on the QKR app . All registrations must be via the QKR app only and to be in by 30th November.


BASKETBALL Season1 2023

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The Southern Cross Newsletter

Please follow the link to the latest issue of the Southern Cross Newsletter 15/11/22

The Southern Cross Today's News.
