Week3, Term 3, 6th August 2019 ISSUE 13

Catholic Education South Australia
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From the Principal

Welcome to Week 3. The term is well underway and there have already been many exciting activities and events to keep us all focused. I want to draw your attention to our Whole School Mass on this coming Thursday to celebrate the Feast of St Mary of The Cross MacKillop. Of course we know that she was made Australia’s first saint so it is both timely and important for us to honour her legacy with celebration of the Eucharist as a whole school community. I look forward to seeing you at our celebration in the Church commencing at 9:30am.

Are You Ready to Groove?

We are fast approaching our school concert performance – ‘Groove To The Beat ‘ which will be on Wednesday 25th September under the big marquee in the piazza. This year’s performance focuses on the celebration of our Footsteps Dance Program, along with a couple of extra performance pieces. We will distribute a program closer to the event but I can share with you that we are looking to start our performance at 5:15pm and conclude by 6:45pm to enable our parishioners to celebrate Mass from 7pm in the Church during the Montevergine Festa week celebrations. The canteen and Parents and Friends group will provide some light refreshments for families but I want to highlight that the main focus is the concert performance. For those of you who are working hopefully you can finish a little early on this Wednesday and come and join the fun. I think you will be impressed with the talent that will be on display. Lock this date in your calendar now and get ready to rock!

Cross Country Carnival

We do provide a lot of extra opportunities for students to participate in sports events. This coming Thursday nearly 60 children will attend the Cross Country Carnival held in the parklands in the city. This event is a challenge as children have to run a distance of 2kms on undulating ground. It is exciting that so many children want to participate. They’ve been training hard, running laps of the oval at lunch time in preparation for this. Each race will have over a 100 competitors and the pace is fast! Good luck to our team, we thank Adrian Gatto our PE teacher for organising this opportunity for our very keen runners.

Numerical Acumen

A number of students and a couple of classes are receiving an award tonight for great work in Mathematics through the 2019 Numerical Acumen. If you are wondering what this is here’s a short explanation.

Numerical Acumen is simple: it helps you develop the mechanical basics of a numerical mind.

  • Increase the speed at which you recall basic number facts and other mathematics facts.
  • Improve your accuracy when using your brain as a calculation device.
  • Improve your speed when using your brain as a calculation device.
  • Improve your understanding of when not to, and when to, use an electronic calculator.


The following children will receive an individual award tonight at Prince Alfred College.

Charlise Rositano, Julius Corbo, Antoine Abi Abdallah, Ella Pacor - Improvement

Della Jacob, Vincent Kwag, Luciano Coscia - Dedication

Chanelle Mathias, Luca Do, Fabian Altamura - Performance

Have a great week.

James Meiksans

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From the APRIM

Community Prayer is a time the whole community comes together to give thanks and praise to God for the many blessings in our lives. During the last fortnight 3/4 MF and 1/2 IE have lead us in prayer acknowledging friends. International Day of Friendship is celebrated on 30th July every year and it is a day we give thanks for our friends. Friendship is one of the best gifts in life. Friends can celebrate with you in good times, listen to you when you have a problem and can support you through difficult times. Our friends spend time with us, encourage us, and share with us. They rejoice with us when we succeed, stay with us when we are upset and bless us always with their love. May we always remember to be thankful for them. A real friend is the gift God has given us. They come to us for various reasons. In John’s Gospel (Chapter 15 verses 12-15), God teaches us about how to make friends and get along with them. We learn that God wants to be our friend too.

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command… Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.” 

On International Friendship Day students in 3/4 ZG made friendship bags for each other. The children were given the name of each child in the class and recorded a nice message to them. All the separate messages were placed in their friendship bag. The children were encouraged to take the bag home and to read the notes whenever they like to remind them of how special and loved they are. Words of affirmation is one love language many of us desire.  Is there someone you can send a text to or call to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life? Do it today! Maybe that person is sitting right next to you.

Book Resource: The Five Love Languages of Children by Chapman and Campbell is available at Koorong bookstore in the city. Alternatively if you are interested in learning more on the web visit www.5lovelanguages.com


Josie Cochrane

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Invitation for Students to join me at the Holy Mary of Montevergine Procession

As APRIM since 2009 I have been encouraging students to represent our school at the Montevergine Feast Day Procession. Why do I value it? As a child I put on my white holy communion dress and joined my nonna in the walk, together with her parish group.  It connected me to her, her love of God and with likeminded joyful people. 

At St Francis I consistently had the Bianco family and their friends commit to the walk and even though they are in high school now I believe they will be joining me again this year.  It has become their family ritual.  Family rituals are usually sustained because it is a practise that brings a family together, where you feel you belong and have a sense of community.  What “Belonging” activities do you have in your family? Have these activities become daily, weekly, monthly or annually rituals? How do they make you feel?

This year as the parish celebrates the 64th year anniversary of St Mary of Montevergine I encourage you to consider the opportunity to connect with the parish and have your child represent our school. Our students have the opportunity to process at the front of a large number of religious associations who hold their special saint's banner. Students wear their winter uniform. It will start from Hectorville Church via Montacute Road, Newton Rd and finally Graves St. 

What:   Montervergine Feast
When: Sunday 29th September
Time: 8.20am for an 8.30am bus ride - 10am return to school.
Where: St Francis of Assisi Church. A shuttle bus will drive us to Hectorville Church. Or students can meet Ms Cochrane at Hectorville at 8.45am.

If you would like more information or confirm your child's involvement please call the school office or email Josie Cochrane. jcochrane@sfoa.catholic.edu.au 


Josie Cochrane

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Bookweek Parade

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SAVE THE DATE - School concert


Finance News


The QKR app can be downloaded onto any smart device, e.g. phones or Ipads.

Why are we using this? As we become a more cashless society, most schools have turned to using this method of payment, particularly for  the  smaller  payments. This app is the same or similar to those in use at the Colleges, High Schools and local Primary schools, both  Catholic and State. 

It allows you to have easy access to your payment records and the school has daily records of all payments. It also allows you to make payments and complete permission forms at your convenience therefore reducing the amount of paper that  is sent  home.

It should be noted that payment is available until 11.58pm on the closing date and then the app closes off.  It is important that you pay for special events, Canteen orders and sports by the closing time. 

  1. This App is to be used for Recess and Lunch orders. Effective term 4 2019 this will be the only method accepted for recess or lunch ordering as well as special food day orders. Lunch orders close at 9:15am each day. Please ensure you are ordering for the correct day.


  1. The QKR App may include Permission and information forms for completion at the time of payment.  This is now the only form of payment for School Sports both school time and external.


  1. If you are using QKR for school fee payment, there is no need to split the amount between children, simply choose a child and indicate the amount you wish to pay. This will be allocated to your family account and not to individual children.


If there is any genuine reason for not being able to use this App, please email me or come in and see me to discuss options. 

Jo Sayers

Business Manager


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The Southern Cross Newsletter

Please follow the link to the latest edition of the Southern Cross  Newsletter 5/08/2019

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